I'm pretty sure we are using Fabric Crashlytics. There's an easy upgrade guide on how to move away from Fabric, which will soon be deprecated, onto whatever's newer. Upgrade Guide:...
PennCourseAlert (PCA) notifications notify students when a course fills up. We aim to bring this functionality into the iOS app by: 1. delivering notifications natively 2. providing a UI, where...
Polls are a (a) fun way to engage our users on a daily basis (b) a method that Penn organizations can use to get feedback. With polls, we show all/some...
- HomePage Cells coming from Penn Portal sometimes have big margins on the bottom - I think this is only occurring for smaller devices (but not really tested) - Thanks...
Currently, we are using the study spaces API for querying users when a user tries to invite a new member. The study spaces API is unsafe (no oauth), so we...