
Results 80 issues of r2evans

Related to #2, I don't have rust installed so thought I would try it in docker. Short story: ``` root@f7255395061d:/src# cargo install --path . ...truncated... Compiling tokio-uds-windows v0.1.0 (https://github.com/Azure/tokio-uds-windows#b689a914) error[E0463]:...

When running `ess-R-dv-ctable` on R's ubiquitous dataset `mtcars`, there are two things wrong: ``` | | mpg|cyl| disp| hp|drat| wt| qsec|vs am|gear|carb| +--+----------------------+---+-----+---+----+-----+-----+-----+----+----+ |Ma|zda RX4 21.0| 6|160.0|110|3.90|2.620|16.46| 0 1| 4|...

Strongly related to "images of code", it is equally frustrating to have data (for testing or demonstration) included as an image vice something copy/paste-able. The wording could be related: >...

Often when troubleshooting a "long" `%>%` pipe, if I need to test assertions on the data, I need to interrupt the pipe (if no grouping present) or use a `do()`...

### Steps to reproduce 1. run `php occ twofactorauth:state --output=json username` ### Expected behaviour JSON output, perhaps one of the following: ``` {"backup_codes":"enabled","totp":disabled"] {"enabled":["backup_codes"],"disabled":["totp"]} {"enabled":["backup_codes","totp"],"disabled":[]} ``` ### Actual behaviour ```...

### Feature Request Support one-*or-more* usernames on the command line, so that instead of calling `php occ twofactorauth:state username` once for every user, we can make a single call and...

2FA is "A Good Thing™". It can and will impact other clients, though, such as the desktop app and caldav/carddav clients. What is the suggested way to deal with this?...


It would be nice to be able to change the `title=` or `status=` of a box based on another event. ```r ui

Reprex: ```r library(ggplot2) # 3.3.3 library(patchwork) # 1.1.1 gg1

Thanks for `patchwork`! I'm looking at a SO question (https://stackoverflow.com/q/67389256/3358272) that is suggesting the merge of a ggplot object and a base graphics `pairs` plot. While the premise of `inset_element`...