Jacopo Rota

Results 18 comments of Jacopo Rota

@nicholas-ebert is this a feature request or a bug?

Hi @Christopher-Chianelli , can we close this PR or is something still to be done? Thanks

Hey @jiripetrlik , I think you have to change the GrafanaDockerComposeIT test in the two projects as well

What is this `Cockpit` and how do we use it in our examples?

Hi @tarilabs , can we close this PR or is something still to be done? Thanks

> No idea @r00ta [#133 (comment)](https://github.com/kiegroup/kogito-runtimes/pull/133#issuecomment-804770983) > I raised the point to the kogito leads but I never received a feedback if this is a problem or not > Maybe...

Hi @DuncanDoyle , can we close this PR or is it something still to be done? Thanks

Hi @PullDakar , I confirm that this scenario is not supported by kogito. We have something similar for DMN here https://github.com/kiegroup/kogito-apps/tree/master/jitexecutor , but not for processes.

> I think (but I have not tested) that, if he is running on quarkus dev mode from any IDE (or console), he can add a new bpmn to an...

my2c ``` A UDP sender SHOULD NOT use a source port value of zero. A UDP receiver SHOULD NOT bind to zero. ``` suggests that who writes the software should...