You mean there is no need to change anything, right? I think it is better to return "recall" instead of "precision". (edit) I meant "rename" rather than "return".
Now, I frequently use `ranking_metrics_at_k`, and I clearly understood `fmin(K, likes.size())`. If `K < likes.size()`, it behaves precision. If `K > likes.size()`, it behaves recall. I said before, > I...
By the way, I think MAP is wrong. https://github.com/benfred/implicit/blob/80f0e4d372c9808f39e8d72af4aa8403a119e2a3/implicit/evaluation.pyx#L286 I think it should be `mean_ap += ap / hit` ( need to avoid zero division).
> Is it the number of items a user has liked in the test set (i.e. all non-zero indices in the matrix for one user)? Yes. This is the repository...
> I believe "Unlock with Touch ID" was enabled on the device where I had this issue. thanks. I can export vault after disabling "Unlock with Face ID" and relaunch...
I confirmed that I can export vault.