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Results 156 sf issues
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gives an unhelpful array of warnings: ``` r sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(a = 1, lng = NA_real_, lat = NA_real_), coords = c("lng", "lat"), na.fail = FALSE) #> Warning in min(cc[[1]], na.rm =...

I've had an intermittent bug appear in code that use to work (documented here https://github.com/ropensci/stplanr/issues/466) The problem is occurring because ``` sf::st_intersects(p, sf::st_make_grid(p, what = "polygons")) ``` returns empty values....

Good day all. I have multiple sets of four points (forming `MULTIPOINT` geometry), from which I would like to create a convex hull polygon. A number of these sets of...

I have a data set extracted from S2 satellite rasters (10 x 10 meters) with 12 values (`ras.df.ll`), but 6 is in a tile (`T21JYG`) and the same 6 coordinates...

Apologies for opening a new issue. Please close if already solved. I thought this was a feature of `sf` and therefore made an SO question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69027136/how-to-crop-non-projected-epgs4326-polygons-along-straight-lines After studying the behavior...

Updating to sf 1.0 or 1.0-1 breaks some of my code when (and only when S2 is on). One issue is that `sf::st_difference` now behave differently: ```r library(sf) # Linking...

I'm analysing species distributions within Australia. Some of my geometries are invalid, and are not able to be made valid using either `st_make_valid` or `st_buffer`. I subsetted the troublesome invalid...

Hello, Writing the following operation, I get much slower runtime using `s2` using the 4326 projection ``` r library(sf) #> Linking to GEOS 3.9.0, GDAL 3.2.1, PROJ 7.2.1 sf_use_s2(T) shp...

`st_dimension(x)` copies its input into an OGR geometry type. In a test of 100,000 point-in-polygon intersections, this takes ~25% of the runtime: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6318931/128503071-36c8cf7d-ce8a-4dce-b1a6-34b1e9cc8c0e.png) It seems like the topological dimension could...

As announced [here](https://www.r-spatial.org/r/2020/06/17/s2.html#sf-10-goodbye-flat-earth-welcome-s2-spherical-geometry) in June last year, and also in the NEWS file around the same time, it is planned that where possible `sf` will use the spherical geometry operators...