Richard Leyshon
Richard Leyshon
For anyone else that find these a priority, I've written a package that helps to avoid some of these 'gotchas' - [accessrmd]( 1.0.0 now on CRAN.
For anyone else that find these a priority, I've written a package that helps to avoid some of these 'gotchas' - [accessrmd]( 1.0.0 now on CRAN.
Thanks so much @cderv, the approach I've taken with accessrmd is to raise an error if valid lang attribute is not set when you create the doc. This has avoided...
Sounds like a plan. I'll collate the issues flagged by our accessibility audit & begin raising some issues. Just to flag some of the brilliant work that [govdown]( have made...
@cderv either I had missed arrow highlight or it is new since we did the accessibility audit nearly a year ago now. Great, I'll check this and based on that...
For anyone else that find these a priority, I've written a package that helps to avoid some of these 'gotchas' - [accessrmd]( 1.0.0 now on CRAN.
It would be great if you could, as my lookup are now based on the gss_cd field. Thanks very much!
Upvoting as this causes a bit of work every time I use the repo template. Following the [example in the python docs](, I find the hatchling build with a pyproject.toml...
Bookmarked, great article Julia. Just getting started with Travis after using GitHub Actions up to this point. I wanted a nice, plain English intro specific to the R framework and...