Quinten Yearsley
Quinten Yearsley
Reason: If one puts paths to libraries in the beginning of sys.path when running tests, it ensures that the same version of that library is used by everyone who runs...
Currently, one can specify a list of specific test modules/classes/methods to run by giving them as positional args. Another possible behavior, which may be more convenient, would be to find...
In [`fix_code`](https://github.com/myint/autoflake/blob/d98cffe094/autoflake.py#L386), `filter_useless_pass` is always called. But, it would be nice to be able to remove unused import statements without modifying pass statements, and to control removal of pass statements...
Currently, selection/highlighting of text by keyboard, including Ctrl+A, doesn't work. This is because at the end of the keyup callback function, the selection is reset to be just where the...