What does your network “output ” include? “output = model(data) ” Is “output.data () ” a logical value? I want to get the classification probability, how do I get it?...
error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mmdet.models.dense_heads .rpn_test_mixin' I didn't see the file about rpn_test_mixin
Based on your pytorch code, why is the dice I calculated greater than 1?
想请教下,看您论文中是一个模拟数据,一个临床数据,其分辨率是不一致的,想请教是分开训练的吗,还是经过什么处理吗?若是一个模型,测试集中对于不同的分辨率结果会异常吗? 感谢
hello, I want to consult that what is the meaning of this parameter abont 'BC_ultra_space_efficient'? thanks you very much!
I would like to ask, does this code only support GPU? Can't I train under the CPU? What changes do I need to make if it can? Thanks.