Только что проверил биочан во всех 3 режимах: Сделать Х штук, повторять до Х штук, делать бесконечно. Закидываю 6 огров подряд, полет нормальный. Можете записать видео, если ошибка воспроизводится на...
Тогда просто условия, при которых воспроизводится ошибка. Или может быть сейв на чистом HSK, без доп модов.
`cfail` failed on file `cfail/ui/not-send.stderr`: `$DIR` replaced on `ui`. @korken89
CI is fixed: `$DIR` replaced on `ui` within `cfail/ui/not-send.stderr`. It is ready for review.
[ReadBuffer](https://docs.rs/embedded-dma/0.2.0/embedded_dma/trait.ReadBuffer.html#) implemented for `[T; N]`, which can be moved without calling any `&mut self` method also. See [ReadTarget](https://docs.rs/embedded-dma/0.2.0/embedded_dma/trait.ReadTarget.html) for details. I don't understand ReadBuffer requirements, you can give an example...
From `ReadTarget` documentation: > as_read_buffer must adhere to the safety requirements documented for [ReadBuffer::read_buffer](https://docs.rs/embedded-dma/0.2.0/embedded_dma/trait.ReadBuffer.html#tymethod.read_buffer). I think that it is not valid, because [StableDeref](https://docs.rs/stable_deref_trait/1.2.0/stable_deref_trait/trait.StableDeref.html) provides some of `ReadBuffer` requirements already. I...
Box implements `ReadBuffer` now, but Box not implements. It is very oddly. I think than `ReadBuffer` should require "and self is not moved", but `ReadTarget` no, because `StableDeref` provides it...
Requirements of `ReadBuffer` trait: > The implementing type must be safe to use for DMA reads. This means: > > It must be a pointer that references the actual buffer....
HSK (development and stable) should be run on Rimworld 1.3.3389 now. You could get more info on [official Discord server](https://discord.gg/FMPRSKr)
This repo is dead?