
Results 32 issues of qwerttvv

![webwxgetmsgimg](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56712217/161489227-5f7e3889-8a4c-44ff-b37e-8e7ea8be6d7c.jpg) 安卓手机客户端SagerNet提示的 https://github.com/SagerNet/SagerNet

**or** which one is **better** about RedirAddr and ServerName? A ServerName: princeton.edu RedirAddr: B ServerName: www.princeton.edu RedirAddr: C ServerName: www.princeton.edu RedirAddr: www.princeton.edu D ServerName: princeton.edu RedirAddr: princeton.edu actually,...

cloak with ss, plug mode should i open tcp fast open from ss?

v2.2.0 Jun 07 22:44:20 KKK ss-server[464]: time="2020-06-07T22:44:11+08:00" level=error msg="accept tcp [::]:443: accept4: too many open files" Jun 07 22:44:20 KKK ss-server[464]: time="2020-06-07T22:44:11+08:00" level=error msg="accept tcp [::]:443: accept4: too many open...

level=warning msg="transport TLS in correct format but not Cloak: timestamp is outside of the accepting window: received timestamp 1579071780" UID="¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥" encryptionMethod=0 proxyMethod=shadowsocks remoteAddr="¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥" sessionId= what is the reason for this?

Now, there is 1.0-24.1 on my router, Dozens of channels can be switched freely and played perfectly, only one channel cannot be played, there will be such an error message...

黑5新买的小鸡在配置的时候心血来潮装上了,装的还是edns版本并且配置到了国内的地点 刚刚突然想起来这逻辑不对啊…… 比如给出离国内近的是香港或者日本的cdn,但是小鸡是美国的,那不就更绕了吗……而且也不一定香港和日本的cdn线路到美国是优化线路,仅仅到我配置的ip是运营商优选……囧 刚刚升级到了新版本smartdns,然后赶紧把edns配置去掉了…… 那么,大家在科学上网的vps都安装smartdns了吗,咋配置的啊