Fixes #426, thanks to @danbiagini for the simple solution
Related to https://github.com/co-log/co-log/discussions/224. I'm not sure if discarding logs is a common enough use-case to warrant this, but I'd like to propose a convenience function: ```haskell discardLogs :: LoggerT Message...
When sending an invalid json payload, the backend sends this message back: ``` Error in $: When parsing the record Person of type Lib.Person the key name was not present....
Is there a reason for [IO#raiseWhen](https://github.com/typelevel/cats-effect/blob/b54a38483376c0a5050593c0174aa5b3b5680ed9/core/shared/src/main/scala/cats/effect/IO.scala#L1128) being omitted from ``MonadError``? MonadError has [ensure](https://github.com/typelevel/cats/blob/303f2a648df72939ad3c3bbc17ebc6960598680f/core/src/main/scala/cats/MonadError.scala#L13), but if ``[A]`` is ``Unit``, this is more verbose compared to ``raiseWhen``. For example using ``raiseWhen``: ```scala...
Hi, thanks for this amazing plugin! Is it possible to have fzf-hoogle read from a local hoogle server? I'd like to be able to fuzzy search any of my local...
I'm looking for a simple way of handling authentication using servant like this: 1. User submits credentials to login 2. User now has access to protected endpoints The two ways...
The [servant-auth](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/servant-auth) and [servant-auth-server](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/servant-auth-server) packages have broken home-page urls on its respective hackage pages. Not a big issue, but it could be worth updating the hackage metadata to prevent any...
Following these [instructions](https://input-output-hk.github.io/haskell.nix/tutorials/hackage-stackage.html), I've added/changed the following: ```nix inputs.hackageSrc = { url = "github:input-output-hk/hackage.nix"; flake = false; }; inputs.haskellSrc.url = "github:input-output-hk/haskell.nix"; ``` And within the outputs, I have this defined...
Different sections of TS should be able to have a mod that essentially has the same manifest, but include different game-specific functionality. One thing brought up as a potential issue...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** In order to insert a Haskell type into the quasiquotes, I always have to make dummy values: ```haskell newtype Foo...