> And if you have some additional IO besides WithLog, such discardLogs function won't work. I forgot about this scenario. My use-case is that I have pure functions where I...
The more I think about it, the more the above signature ``WithLogs r msg m => m a -> a`` wouldn't make sense anyways. If one wants to use ``IO``...
I'm not familiar with reverse proxies at all, do you mind showing a quick example on how to achieve this? If possible, I'd only like to rewrite the payloads containing...
I see, thanks for the resource!
I'm a bit confused. Doesn't ``servant-auth-server`` make use of ``cookieExpires``, rather than ``cookieMaxAge``? https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant/blob/2323906080e50fc2774cd1b43bc59548a90152ed/servant-auth/servant-auth-server/src/Servant/Auth/Server/Internal/Cookie.hs#L80-L90 I've tried to set ``cookieMaxAge`` to 1 second, but the JWT is still able to be...
For whatever reason I *am* able to get the JWT to expire now. If I understand this correctly, ``servant-auth-server``'s default is to have a non-expiring JWT, and handle its "life-time"...
The design of ``servant-auth-server`` strikes me a bit weird even after your explanation. > Because the CookieSettings (and therefore cookieExpires :: Maybe UTCTime value) that you start your start your...
@saurabhnanda Sorry for bothering you, but is there any update on this? It's no rush if the next release isn't ready yet though. I appreciate the work you've put into...
Appreciate the response! I'll try to figure it out and then report back for any future readers looking to do the same thing
Turns out it already supports local packages, it had to do with my ``haskell.nix`` configuration. Sorry for the redundant issue!