Hi, Thanks for your quick reply! Here is the output from traceback: > traceback() 8: stop("infinite or missing values in 'x'") 7: eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE) 6: (function (n, mu,...
Thanks! I will try to simplify it and see if the error gets solved. Right now, I only have a random slope: > #add more longitudinal outcomes > multMixedFit2
Hi I changed the model to a simpler version: multMixedFit3
I also had this error when using aucJM(). I am not sure what is going on here. aucJM(JMFit6, newdata=ND, Tstart=16, Thoriz = NULL, Dt = 10, idVar = 'ID_d') Error...
Hi Thanks so much for the comments! Both my longitudinal variables are binary. I am afraid center predictors wouldn't work. The model works fine with continuous variables. I only have...
actually, the error only occurs at some time points:
A follow up question on this is, is it possible to use gpu without docker?
May I ask if there is a place where the optimal model is saved after using the sobol sequence search?