> 如果是测试版的话可以勾选 Pre-Rlease 复选框。 或者Beta版本什么的,这样也许大家更清楚,下载使用测试的人也会多一些吧
CutterBridge in Telegram Cutter said that we can use pr and dd to save bytes to file like this: ``` pr 32 @ 0x00006c10 | dd of=/tmp/bytes_here ``` It works!
Still have the error. My computer username is "张三" ```r C:\Users\张三>pipx install pycowsay Fatal error from pip prevented installation. Full pip output in file: C:\Users\张三\.local\pipx\logs\cmd_2023-10-27_23.43.03_pip_errors.log Error installing pycowsay. C:\Users\张三>pipx --version...
Sorry for that I am not familiar ImHex source code, so I can not find a fix method.
Yeah, @reserge fixed it. Thank you!
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I'll diagnose this issue in a few days.
@wuuuw It's not a bug, you run the wrong process command. `poetry run python utils/process.py -r 5 -d` is not a right command for this situation. ``` -d, --debug Display...
> Er hang on. I use -d -r all the time in my daily work. It was working before, it needs to work. I want to know all the status...
@wuuuw @kevoreilly If the cape-processor service is not running at the begining, the behavior is like that. You guys can give me more info, then I can verify it.