
Results 9 issues of qustions

Hello @wwqgtxx I am running arcface after running `cmake ..` I am running make and getting this error ``` /tensorrtx/arcface/prelu.h(31): error: member function declared with "override" does not override a...

when I ran this model on webcam I am getting 10 fps on 1080ti and when I typed nvidia-smi it's using nearly 400mb of GPU and CPU is also being...

@ouyanghuiyu good work even I was also working on a similar project on darknet. Can we use darknet to get 512 face embedding like InsightFace.

I am trying to create application end points using this but it is not showing more than 7 nodes here is the example ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/65636785/123935691-11bdf580-d9b2-11eb-83e3-762e8ca62da9.png)

hi @ewrfcas there is NO error if I decrease the image size in train.py If I change `lr_height, lr_width and hr_height, hr_width ` in `data_loader.py` to my input size it's...

Hello @SamSamhuns, @gwkrsrch, @VictorAtPL I have around 60 Images and custom 8 tokens, each image consist of 3-4 same key but different values and annotation format is like SROIE I...

Hello @gwkrsrch First I want to thank you guys for open sourcing this amazing project. Maybe my questions are very common and silly but it would help me and others...

Hi, @phanxuanduc1996 I am trying to convert ylov3.weights to TensorFlow and from Tensorflow to onnx but I did not find TensorFlow to onnx in this repo so I tried tf2onnx...

hello @nghiapq77 I am trying to run the app and getting this erro ``` No protocol specified ERROR: ../nvdsinfer/nvdsinfer_func_utils.cpp:33 [TRT]: ../rtSafe/coreReadArchive.cpp (38) - Serialization Error in verifyHeader: 0 (Version tag...