
Results 7 issues of quroom

It is not related to issue. I am really thanksful to the founder of django-ninja I was shocked it's really fast and easy and simplified comparing DRF So I choosed...

Currently I am using quilljs. Not only It's more heavy than pell but also it has critical problem that scrolling top while pasting long text So I am considering to...

This is not a bug. This function will improve vue-tour behavior when the tag element is not founded. I use next/prev override function like below. How do you think it...

## What happened? With default runserver_plus reloader_type, when django template code changes, sometimes doens't detect changes. sometimes happens three times detected with once code change. ## What should've happened instead?...


**Describe the bug** It's not bug. It has cdn error. ``` GET https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/swagger-ui.css net::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID docs:12 GET https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/swagger-ui-bundle.js net::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID docs:14 Uncaught ReferenceError: SwaggerUIBundle is not defined at docs:14:20 (anonymous) @ docs:14...

### Environment _No response_ ### Reproduction 1. Go nuxt-auth example site https://nuxt-auth-example.sidebase.io/ 2. Login 3. Go globally protected page 4. Press back key in browser ### Describe the bug I...


### Environment Windows 10 Nuxi 3.6.5 Nuxt 3.6.5 with Nitro 2.4.1 @sidebase/nuxt-auth 0.4.4 next-auth 4.22.3 ### Reproduction _No response_ ### Describe the bug This is own my jwt refresh code....
