Quinton Ashley
Quinton Ashley
How does the html 5 gamepad code identify what controller is being used?
I'm running macOS 10.15.4 and I think the test build is great! Add it to the latest release! :) [Nostlan](https://github.com/quinton-ashley/nostlan) (a frontend launcher I made) is going to support bsnes_hd...
Hmm yeah maybe I set something up wrong. Here's how I'm doing the scaling: https://github.com/molleindustria/p5.play/blob/master/lib/p5.play.js#L27 Am I just making the objects too small by dividing by the plScale which is...
@zOadT Well the speed isn't supposed to be changing at all but yeah with 9.8 y gravity the ball does get faster. I tried using a y gravity value of...
I think I kind of understand. Will it be possible for you to fix the collision resolution so it doesn't move the ball too far up? Initially thought this was...
It'd be great if you could implement it behind a flag. For now I'll just suggest that users should set gravity to a whole number.
eh I found out setting gravity to whole numbers doesn't necessarily work either. For example this code works, ball bounces at the same height. ```js let ball, floor; function setup()...
Another problem I found was that setting bounciness to .9 makes the ball bounce lose momentum but then it just keeps bouncing at a low momentum. ```js ball.bounciness = 0.9;...
The reason this issue is important to me is because one of the lessons in my curriculum is how to make a game like Papi Jump and Doodle Jump. Can't...
matter.js isn't really comparable, even though it is faster the quality of its physics simulation is much worse.