Dan Schuman

Results 6 issues of Dan Schuman

### Are you submitting a **bug report** or a **feature request**? Bug report ### What is the current behavior? Example repo: https://codesandbox.io/s/dreamy-goodall-cvy9c?file=/index.js Seems that, if `handleSubmit` returns `Promis` without causing...

**Note** this is a copy paste issue from https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation/issues/9560 -- Let me know if anything is missing. Thanks in advance! Awesome library. **Current Behavior** Flickering when switching tabs **Expected Behavior**...

repro provided

## 🚀 Feature Proposal Continuing from #2831, I would like to have the ability to unset `collectCoverageFrom` so that it works like it is `undefined` ## Motivation In `package.json`, we...

:rocket: Feature Request

On my machine, incremental builds in dev mode take anywhere from 1.5s - 5s. ![](http://49.media.tumblr.com/d852488ca73f3f482407382d1a351119/tumblr_mtgsbmEAj71rryxomo1_500.gif) I'm going to spend some time toying with webpack to see what's up, but I'd...

This is great stuff! I would love to use portions of this code. Could you add a license to your code?

Hiya! I'm one of the contributors over at https://github.com/erikras/react-redux-universal-hot-example/ That project has been difficult to maintain given its large scope and fast ecosystem. I'd love to help out and potentially...