
Results 8 issues of qugo9955

能否在设备信息接口中,返回设备Android System WebView版本号? 对平台手机APP的H5页面做自动化测试, 需要获取Android System WebView版本号, 去自动匹配chromedriver, 能否在设备信息接口中支持获取 WebView版本号?


运行自动化代码十多分钟后,经常出现http-request to atx-agent error, can only recover from USB错误

打包成exe可执行文件,接入设备后提示“设备屏幕同步中断” pyinstaller -F atx-provider.py 是不支持这样打包成可执行文件吗? 打包成exe缺少nodejs环境的原因?

## Describe the bug > Please give a brief description of the bug; > attach the running command and the stack information when the error is reported ## Versions Please...


## Describe the bug 初次执行hrp run XXX_testcase.yml 的时候,httprunner4 为什么会去自己初始化一个python虚拟环境,导致自己引入三方库的时候,执行用例报错 报错信息: ERR [Run] init session runner failed error="init plugin failed: connect grpc plugin failed: Unrecognized remote plugin message: \n\nThis usually mea...


## Describe the bug fiddler导出的har文件,用例转换为yaml hrp convert XXX.har --to-yaml 报错,提示ERR makeRequestBody: Not implemented for mimeType multipart/form-data ## Versions Please complete the following information: - OS Type: [Windows] - Python version:...


不同手机切换为FastInputIME 输入法后,获取到的mInputShown属性值有些是false 有些是true,不是统一为true,导致切换输入法self.set_fastinput_ime(True) 方法抛异常 "FastInputIME started failed" 1682、1683行 是不是要调整下? def wait_fastinput_ime(self, timeout=5.0): """ wait FastInputIME is ready Args: timeout(float): maxium wait time Raises: EnvironmentError """ if not self.serial: # maybe...