Nigel Heron
Nigel Heron
Now that `Storage` is implemented, can we continue this discussion? SOASTA is also interested in having "Session Ids" support in AMP. We would also like to have a way to...
@cramforce, for session length, an 8bit (or 3 digits in JSON) would be sufficient. The Session Ids we use on standard pages are a UUID style string. If we were...
`PAGE_VIEW_ID` has a range of 0-9999. How about storing something like this? : `"amp-analytics:session":{"v":[,,],"t":}` Session id and session length could be in 0-9999 range. Saving it in array avoids extra...
Hi @vkbandi, thanks for the report. We have a fix in testing and will be back-ported here once complete. In the meantime you can delete the `if` block @
My proposed fix above might not help. It was meant to fix `A` element `href` changes. I thought that your code might hit the same bug but it does not....
Hi @annitsb , do you have a public site that you could share that reproduces the issue? Boomerang SPA monitoring doesn't capture scroll events. Could you describe the workflow that...
Can you run a debug version of boomerang and post the console logs when you see a negative timer?
Hi @iwindfree , the `xhr_send` boomerang event is emitted right before an XHR or Fetch request is sent. I don't think there's an event for when either is finished. There's...