Quentin Dupont

Results 19 comments of Quentin Dupont

Hello, My computer was in Ubuntu 16.04, then 18.04 and i reinstall a software using mkcert. I have issues installing it (and still not resolving it). But I saw that...

Same issue here to understand what's going on.. I use this API key (i don't see any other possibility): ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9005817/68992361-97873e80-086a-11ea-9a86-17576bc3d7b0.png) With `gandi -vvv dns domain.list` i manage to get one...

Thank you for this module ! - CSS for the email input should be changed a little to be centered `margin-left: 50px;` - I didn't received mail from runbot (maybe...

Hello, Same issue here. It seems that some contacts are found in TbSync adress book but not all the time... Thanks for the workaround by enabling it on config editor...

Hello ! I start to have some clients with Ubuntu 22.04 and I'm still incompetent technically for pywebdriver :laughing: But i'm ready to help testing a new version for Ubuntu...

@PierrickBrun showed me how it works, i'm gonna try to get forward on this as soon as possible

PR in progress here : https://github.com/akretion/pywebdriver/pull/110 But it don't have printer for the moment to test it (neither Ubuntu 22) If someone wants to test it ?

build.sh for ubuntu 22 has done the job well to create .deb. Stil need to test it with real printer etc. Coming soon

Can't suceed to make it work, if someone has the solution !