
Results 6 comments of qudix

Late response, but when you unpack the game exe you need to pass the `-forcesteamloader` argument to skse_loader.exe

1. WASD, and the arrow keys are supported. I don't have a controller so I can't really test whether the code I have properly supports gamepads. 2. Once I have...

Has there been any progress on this? I've been encountering this issue for a year now and I would like to have vscode open while using the terminal.

Like this? [debug_console.txt](https://github.com/xmake-io/xmake-vscode/files/10810461/debug_console.txt) From what I can see it just spams `updating Intellisense` with exec calls + two others hundreds of times

That does seem to be the case, as a test if I temporarily comment out `loadCache` `updateIntellisense` and leave `xmakeExplorer.refresh()`, the number of verbose logs is the same as the...

The `_projectFileSystemWatcher` currently watches for all `xmake.lua` files, including those inside the workspace `.xmake` folder. I don't know how globs work in js, but my crude attempt at excluding the...