Mark S. Everitt

Results 25 comments of Mark S. Everitt

I see this too. Running sprint 37, Mavericks (10.9.2) on a Late 2012 iMac 27" with 2.9GHz Core i5 and 16GB RAM.

I've just hit this issue and it was a real pain to work out that an error I was throwing in a `setImmediate` was being captured by a domain. Has...

Thanks for the evangelism. The scope has changed somewhat. This sounds like a good idea to me!

It is a shame they don't make a UMD module as you say. It's such a hack to do things this way around!

It'd probably only take a small addition to `index.d.ts`. PR most welcome!

This is _badly_ needed. As it stands, the importance of messages is completely lost. Worse, I can't do anything but pipe output to files in production. For levels, a minimum...

Using the expanded author info is intriguing, particularly when using the `url` field. If that URL served a document with a link or anchor tag for donations, this'd work well...

@btkostner To be clear, my suggestion does not change that `url` is for a homepage. The rel-payment microformat (see links) is a way of discovering a donation URL _within_ a...

(something explicit in the package file would also be good, but this would be nice to have as another mode of donation discovery)

@adrianheine Agreed on all counts. I'm putting a module together now which does this. I may make the suggestion as a separate issue so I don't hijack this comment thread...