谢谢作者翻译。 整理下原作者的思路: #### 如何做到一秒渲染一个移动页面 ##### 服务器必须在 200 ms 以内渲染出响应内容 ##### 重定向的次数应该减至最少 ##### 首次渲染所需的网络往返次数应该减至最少 ##### 避免在首屏内容中出现外链的阻塞式 JavaScript 和 CSS ##### 为浏览器的布局和渲染工作预留时间 (200 ms) ##### 优化 JavaScript 执行和渲染耗时 读两边上面的,就有种被骗的感觉,=-=。
我司也在使用 滴滴出行/大数据 感谢 `antd` 团队
@darrenchiusw I came across the same scene. I debug for a long time and it turn out it's the bug of `isomorphic-fetch`, which works well when I change to jquery.
`isomorphic-fetch` only set the cookie of Response-Cookie, none of the Request-Cookie.
@luckydrq when we use `isomorphic-fetch` to send an `HTTP GET Request`,it cannot carry browser cookie to Request Header only if we set option `{credentials: 'same-origin'}` here is the document: [https://github.com/github/fetch#sending-cookies](https://github.com/github/fetch#sending-cookies)
@luckydrq yeah. about `receiving` not `sending`, it's also the scene I came cross. I found if there is no `{credentials: 'same-origin'}` ,`isomorphic-fetch` would't send browser cookie in get request, and...
maybe `isomorphic-fetch` set `credentials` by empty or other value default. and the document has said : ``` `To automatically send cookies for the current domain, the credentials option must be...