
Results 22 issues of quazardous

I've added namespace support to AssetFactory because I was not able to do it with my actual comprehension of assetic ``` php class NamespaceAwareAssetFactory extends AssetFactory { protected $namespaces =...

I'm using Silex with twig and assetic. Can somebody tell me how to add an asset reference for something like ``` twig {% javascripts '@plugin' filter='yui_js' output="js/plugin" %} {% endjavascripts...

Hi, I love restler ! I want to know if it is possible to achieve streamed response in Restler ? like http://symfony.com/doc/master/components/http_foundation.html#streaming-a-response in luracast you usually return static sets of...

# Bug report ### Title Wizard is not compatible with .env.prod for DATABASE_URL ### Issue Description `bin/console uvdesk:configure-helpdesk` is only able to handle DATABASE_URL in `.env`. If you deploy more...

Help Wanted

Using `downloadStream()` with a file is like ```php $charset = null; $docToDownload->downloadStream($fh = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::tryFopen($filename, 'w'), $charset); ```

Hi, upload content are plain string. It's not memory friendly. You could allow using stream or file resource (since guzzle body is allowing it) thx

Currently th charset seams to be hard wired to UTF-8 I need to upload CSV in non UTF-8. how can I do it ?

The console application lacks the call to the terminate() method. Something like :+1: terminate(Request::createFromGlobals(), Response::create()); the terminate methode trogger the event dispather wich is used by many component like swift...


I've experienced a memory leak using `array_filter` when both opcahe and xhprof are enabled. here is a demo script: ```php

**Description** Allow to choose non sequential ticket numbering strategy. **Example** Use hash or date prefix or random.

Feature request