Hi there when using `uploadListingImage()` I'm getting an Exception: `Uploading files using php_streams request engine is not supported in vendor/inakiabt/etsy-php/src/Etsy/EtsyClient.php:52` I'm using it like written in the example: ``` $listing_image...
Great scanner! Works perfectly on Android for me. On Windows Phone (8.1), the camera is startet but nothing happens afterwards. Cannot even hit the back button to cancel. I building...
Hi there, I want to protect "/" but certain paths shall be accessible without a passwort. How can I realize that?
This package removes `` when defined in index.html and destroys responsive layout. It's not possible to set it again via `SEO.config({ viewport: '...'})`
Hi there, as this plugin uses blueimp fileupload for uplading images I though I could just add this to `fileUploadOptions`: ``` disableImageResize: false, imageMaxWidth: 400, imageMaxHeight: 400 ``` (Of course...
Hi there, I have tried your example of charging but getting no results on the client: `Meteor.call('chargeCard', stripeToken);` I'm only getting `undefined` returns no matter what I do: returning directly...