Henry Wang

Results 24 issues of Henry Wang

OS: Arcolinux I have installed the prerequisites, not sure why I'm getting this error. I don't have Postgres installed, maybe it has to do with this? ``` ➜ docker-compose up...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28958399/148687853-7fe1ed10-bf3b-41e1-aade-40addd3ac464.png) As you see the numbers are out of order 1, 2, 4, 3, however I want the numbers to correspond to the order which they appear, so 1, 2,...

feature request

In https://github.com/srcery-colors/srcery-vim there is an option to inverse the colour of search / and ? matches, as well as visual selection. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28958399/141189531-bbe18e55-c9ba-4901-92bf-c58c8bd75948.png) Could you please add a similar feature to...


OS: windows 10 neovim version: 0.5.0 Problem: Trying to delete a file named "test" located in C:\Users\henry\ Also cannot delete files in other directories. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28958399/132942821-2d0af875-be03-495b-b782-743315745ee0.png) Error message: ```python [WinError 2]...

I find it a bit annoying that the current tag positions keeps updating while I'm scrolling. So it would be nice if there is an option to disable it while...

Is it possible to implement syntax fixers like yapf? It's annoying to see the all the linter warnings and having to fix them one by one.

help wanted

Kitty terminal has the ability to set multiple fonts, for example in the kitty.conf: font_family FiraCode Nerd Font bold_font FiraCode Nerd Font italic_font JetBrains Mono Italic bold_italic_font JetBrains Mono Bold...


I'm in the process of converting a big library, since there is no way of tracking whats already converted, when flacon crashes I would have to either manually check which...

before: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28958399/158060762-f34e485b-6948-48bc-a8a7-9f7cf6b3ca81.png) after: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28958399/158060773-5205740c-5cb4-4db5-89b5-6e596f819e46.png)


[Edit]: looks like this is a problem of FSAutoComplete instead of Ionide, because I still don't get autocompletion even if I use FsAutoComplete directly using the built-in lsp: ```nvim_lsp.fsautocomplete.setup{ capabilities...
