Quang Hoang
Quang Hoang
Hi @shubamuzumaki You are right. I've just checked the source code. The password handling on the writing path is missing. A merge request will be great!
Hi @sabrishami How about helping us prepare the df (generating is fine) so we can reproduce the issue on our side? I don't have ready access to databrick, however, I...
Hi @tquaresma and @nightscape Short: It's seem that, the issue is with older spark-excel version (I am on a fresh install machine and too lazy to test with older version,...
Thank you @ruiyang2015 If you don't mind, please help list the steps that are needed to reproduce this issue? Maybe, even a wiki will be great. This one: https://github.com/crealytics/spark-excel/wiki/Examples:-With-Google-Cloud-Storage There...
Hi @spongebobZ and @ghoshtir If is it possible, please help share your excel file (after removing sensitive data)? Or steps to generate (column set, number of rows) an excel file...
Hi @kennydataml , I am not sure if this is related. How do you read these 8 files? It will help if we have simplified (without sensitive data) and reproducible...
Hi @NestorAGC123 , Is it possible to share your excel file after removing sensible data?
Hi @nightscape , I would like to contribute to this project. Areas those I will be able to contribute: - Fixing these two issue on input_file_name() and loading multiple excel...
Thanks @nightscape that's great. I haven't known this branch before. Detail will be on the PR thread. Let me some time.
Hi @mryangch Thanks for bringing up this issue. Please help share your pyspark-version and if you point your pyspark to a specific SPARK_HOME, please share that also. I am not...