Quang Hoang
Quang Hoang
Hi @westonpace This PR is ready for review. It relates to both [ARROW-17042](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARROW-17042) and [ARROW-17458](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARROW-17458) For 2 failed CI checks, it seems, they are not related to this change set:...
Hi @amazoyer Is it possible for you to share an excel file (by removing sensitive data or by generating one) that can reproduce this issue? In other hand, spark-excel are...
(_edited, my bad. Sorry to santilytics_) Hi @endriju and @sasincj Trying to build a test-case for this issue. From your description, is this the content of the CSV file? ```bash...
oh, my bad. I mistagged your id. I am sorry.
Hi @AntonioNieto92 and @kansuke231 If is it possible, please help share your excel file (after removing sensitive data)? Or steps to generate (column set, number of rows) an excel file...
Hi @rohitthapliyal180 @Ftagn92 and @Zulpitch I know it's been a long time already. If it is possible for you to share or step to create one excel file with this...
Hi @Ftagn92 , Appreciate your offer. However, we will put it, or part of it, into unit-test anyway. To be honest, it is too much for me to receive your...
Hi @mohammadreza490 With the existing description in this thread, I can create a test-case for sure. However, if you don't mind, please attach with an example that you have (minimal,...
Hi @mohammadreza490 , Sorry for bothering you again. Is this request for reading or for writing excel? I am trying to create a test case for this.
Thanks to @cristichircu , the fix for Decimal format is in MR: https://github.com/crealytics/spark-excel/pull/552/