
Results 6 comments of Stefan

Multiple TB are currently needed to run the explorer with all of its data. ```sql prater=> select pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('prater')); pg_size_pretty ---------------- 8028 GB (1 row) ```

Do you mean how many validators are owned by specific ETH1 addresses?

Validators always operate with an effective balance as their voting weight. So a validator that has a balance of 33 ETH only votes with their effective balance, which is capped...

We do have some context around this question here: although more addresses need to be indexed to give a more accurate picture.

Node got stuck on height 816882 ```19:10:13.887 ERROR [tor.default-dispatcher-10] o.e.m.CandidateGenerator - Candidate generation failed java.lang.Exception: Key dd2eaf2f...4f14640f5 does not exist at scorex.crypto.authds.avltree.batch.Remove.$anonfun$updateFn$5(Operation.scala:68) at scorex.crypto.authds.avltree.batch.AuthenticatedTreeOps.modifyHelper$1(AuthenticatedTreeOps.scala:190) at scorex.crypto.authds.avltree.batch.AuthenticatedTreeOps.modifyHelper$1(AuthenticatedTreeOps.scala:239) at scorex.crypto.authds.avltree.batch.AuthenticatedTreeOps.modifyHelper$1(AuthenticatedTreeOps.scala:211) at scorex.crypto.authds.avltree.batch.AuthenticatedTreeOps.modifyHelper$1(AuthenticatedTreeOps.scala:239)...

Candidate Generation should not stop if a transaction cannot be included but instead should continue without the transaction