
Results 5 comments of qthree

@Silicasandwhich That's because you have unsupported version of Python (probably 3.7). Here is workaround. I'm on Manjaro (Arch), here is my output of `whereis python` ``` python: /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python2.7-config /usr/bin/python...

> I don't see how loops could work Easy! ``` extern crate ketos; use ketos::Interpreter; fn main() { let interp = Interpreter::new(); let _out = interp.run_code(r#" (define (for from to...

Last time I checked (year or two ago), glium had troubles with sharing of textures between GL contexts. Dropped texture is cleaned up only from parent context, but left dangling...

Obligatory link to the mutli-viewports branch of imgui: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/1542 ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8225057/34685569-16309c5e-f4a9-11e7-9147-3dc23e083437.gif)

I think that makers of custom engines should worry themselves about window managing and iced only needs to support handling of events and rendering of multiple viewports. I mean, iced...