When I use ToFlow to test on Vid4, this error occurs. What is the problem Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\pycharm_project\BasicSR\BasicSR\basicsr\test.py", line 45, in test_pipeline(root_path) File "E:\pycharm_project\BasicSR\BasicSR\basicsr\test.py", line 40,...
When I use ToFlow to test on Vid4, this error occurs. What is the problem
flows_list = [flow.view(b, n, 2, h // (2 ** (i)), w // (2 ** (i))) for flow, i in zip(flows, range(3))] RuntimeError: shape '[4, 7, 2, 64, 64]' is invalid...
When I was testing on Vid4, I encountered this error: AssertionError: Image shapes are differnet: (576, 720, 3), (144, 180, 3). Other data sets run into the same problem. Thanks...
Hello, I tried to use your model to train on the general ×4 video super-resolution task. Vimeo90K is used for the training set, and the degraded model is BD. Vid4...