Results 8 comments of IW2ESL

I was looking at you news BLEAdvertising.h under snippets and wondering if should I copy those under ESP_32_Arduino BLE without pain or better wait for an upgrade and a beacon...

You are absolutely right ..later I will do a it and will let you know if somethings brakes. But are not so clear right ways to use them .. let’s...

OK done Copied BLEAdvertising.* and need to copy BLEUUID.* too for some dependencies. Changed BLE_server examples to BLE_server_iBeacon according to #196 suggestions Everything runs but _no special data seen_ on...

@chegewara I did some other test but without any success, so then I give up taking care if some other updates should be useful to solve it. But not much...

@chegewara thanks for the new advice. I have tried again with your code, that's not different from mine, but no result at all. May be the problem is in the...

@chegewara maybe that's the problem. I should check with an android device I do not have any one now. by now many thanks and have an happy new year !!...

@nkolban just for an update: I have imported changes in **Arduino IDE** by simply copying _BLEAdvertising.* BLEBeacon.* and BLEUUID.h_ and it compiles without any problem. Using this server code on...

Howdy mr @nkolban . There was some misunderstanding in the beginning while using iBeacon data structure but You are absolutely right, I'm sorry. I will follow your suggestion asap and...