How did you solve this problem
did you work it out? @CanCanZeng @ @shishiteng
不能give up啊
I build the data with the preprocess_data/ ,but it does not work ,Could you please give another link to download this data_kitti.zip?To build the data by reference,i try the https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cfQYQMkU1cZn6e4hPsgGyYwvKfh7gYV7...
i got it from https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cfQYQMkU1cZn6e4hPsgGyYwvKfh7gYV7 thnak you!
Can you send me the author's dataset? The download link failed. Thank you. @YiheChen1995
Does your CameraTrajectory.txt use kitti groudtruth? Why do I have this warning:TF to MSG: Quaternion Not Properly Normalized? @speed8928 @shichaoy