### Search before asking - [X] I searched in the [issues](https://github.com/apache/iotdb/issues) and found nothing similar. ### Version 1.3 ### Describe the bug and provide the minimal reproduce step java API...
When a large amount of data is inserted, the final storage is estimated to occupy about 100G according to the disk occupancy ratio. After the data insertion is completed, after...
在终端实时视频640x360的分辨率是没问题的 但调取历史视频是1080p分辨率的未见报错,但ffmpeg推流一直在报这种错误,试了一下,在线flv播放也无法进行 我尝试用了另外的项目,是直接把原始h264流写到fifo通道推到rtmp,可以播放视频,但没有声音,尝试用作者的这个项目又遇到这个问题 DTS 4294927314, next:19923000 st:0 invalid dropping00:00.00 bitrate=N/A speed= 0x PTS 4294927314, next:19923000 invalid dropping st:0 DTS 4294927380, next:19989000 st:0 invalid dropping00:00.00 bitrate=N/A speed= 0x PTS 4294927380, next:19989000...
rebuild the payload.bin file ?