Results 4 issues of luomo

链式调用时,必须所有函数都在同一行调用才会出现提示,如果换行了,只有首行才有提示,换行后的函数调用全部没有提示。 例如 ---@class T local t = {} ---a的注释 ---@return T function t:a () return self end ---b的注释 ---@return T function t:b() returnt self end 然后t:a():b()时,a和b都有提示 但是如果: t:a() :b() 这样的话,就只有a有提示,b没有提示...

### Describe the bug I'm learning Xi HTML, using your plugin to preview in real time, and then I have a problem learning Xi the HTML's select tag There is...

When compiling with the wails build or wails dev command, the console gives the following error: ERROR panic: open \.goarchitect\goarchitect.log: The system cannot find the path specified. goroutine 1 [running]:...

- Robotgo version (or commit ref): "v1.00.0.1189, MT. Baker!" - Go version: 1.21.5 - Gcc version: 11.2.0 - Operating system and bit: windows11 64 - Resolution: - Can you reproduce...