Thank you so much for your great work.I was trying to reproduce your work but it seems that I had a version problem.Could you please tell me the detailed version...
我运行程序后后台有输出npz文件但我不知道程序什么时候结束.程序运行和是这样的。 [09/08 10:36:27 fvcore.common.checkpoint]: [Checkpointer] Loading from /home/user/home1/lpj/bottom-up-attention.pytorch-master/bua-caffe-frcn-r101-k10-100.pth ... WARNING [09/08 10:36:27 fvcore.common.checkpoint]: Some model parameters or buffers are not found in the checkpoint: backbone.res4.0.conv1.norm.num_batches_tracked backbone.res4.0.conv2.norm.num_batches_tracked backbone.res4.0.conv3.norm.num_batches_tracked backbone.res4.0.shortcut.norm.num_batches_tracked backbone.res4.1.conv1.norm.num_batches_tracked backbone.res4.1.conv2.norm.num_batches_tracked...
I met a trouble.when I use torch>1.4 I can't sucessful install detectron2 due to subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ninja', '-v']' returned non-zero exit status 1. but when I use torch 1.4 I...
I was going to do some evluation on your dataset but i find there wasn't captionval json file,can you provide or tell me how to create it?
except resnet,any other pertrained models can be used to extract features by prepo-feats.py?
Thank you so much for your code.After finishing the training process,i don't know how to caption using my own picture and how to get the bleu scores,could you please give...