
Results 13 issues of qiunlp

THERE IS "from utils_squad_evaluate import EVAL_OPTS, main as evaluate_on_squad" IN "run.squad.py" , HOW TO GET "utils_squad_evaluate"?

您好:请教一下代码的理解: reasoner.py class StructInduction(nn.Module): STEP2: Injecting structrual bias d0,dx,df对应论文中什么公式? 或者说论文中公式(8)对应的代码是什么? 谢谢!

python eval.py --model --prefix --runs Can you give me an example of **** Thank you!

BERT的NextSentencePr任务过于简单。ALBERT中,为了只保留一致性任务去除主题识别的影响,提出了一个新的任务 sentence-order prediction(SOP) 请问: 这个任务在您程序的哪个部分?

In the paper "Enhancing Relation Extraction Using Syntactic Indicators and Sentential Contexts", you got f1=90.36 , Where can I find the code?

1) create the protobuf files: protoc --proto_path=. --python_out=. Document.proto Where is the file of **Document.proto**? 2)convert the protobuf files to json: python protobuf2json.py . Where is the file of **protobuf2json.py**?...

Where is ' checkpoint_BiLSTM_bert_relation_exist_cls'? How to generate it? Thanks

双击Umi-OCR.exe没有反应,命令行中运行 Umi-OCR.exe ,出现如下信息,请问您缺了什么库?麻烦您了! ![1](https://github.com/hiroi-sora/Umi-OCR/assets/24563279/6ee9df92-f503-4301-90e5-6a2201fd6659)

const url = ''; const data = { base64: '', } }; fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify(data) }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => {...