Results 28 issues of qiulang

I installed and use [mysql-connector-python](, which is the official mysql driver. But when use pipreqs to generate the requirement.txt I got the result which is totally wrong! `mysql_connector_repackaged==0.3.1` BTW, I...

Hi I want to use CDN for my production build. Although I can load jQuery (as your example shows), some library was reported "not define", e.g. I want to load...

## What's going wrong? pm2 cluster mode can not assign different process.env to worker as nodejs cluster.fork([env]) does. For example, if not using pm2, my cluster.fork will assign different env...

### MDN URL ### What specific section or headline is this issue about? message event properties ### What information was incorrect, unhelpful, or incomplete? Except for & event.origin,...

help wanted

Membranes 是ES6比较隐晦概念,个人感觉到现在也没几个人懂。我也一直没搞懂。中文文献里我也没看过对它的翻译,把它翻译成 **隔离层** 是不是妥当我不知道,但最好增加下说明。 比如这段 Proxies and WeakMaps were designed, and initially motivated, to support the creation of membranes. Proxies used standalone cannot be transparent, and cannot reasonably approximate transparency....

Hi, Sorry if this question is asked before, I have checked the closed issues but I can only find this one My question is you said > node-sqlite3 uses...


Hi I see [Rethink polyfilling story]( was closed because of this project. But I read here "As of Babel 7.4.0, **this package has been deprecated**" So my question is...

``` qiulangs-MacBook-Pro:分词 qiulang$ yarn global add think-cli yarn global v1.12.1 (node:60677) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental [1/4] 🔍 Resolving packages... warning think-cli > metalsmith > gray-matter > [email protected]: CoffeeScript...

Software Installation (Mac on Apple Metal M1) may need to update. For example we may not miniforge as conda has [Native M1 Support]( now. I record my experience with...


你好,我想请教一下这个包的目的到底什么? 我觉得我对 还算比较熟悉,但是我最近刚刚知道咱们这个包。我大致浏览了一下代码,但是一时没看出这个包到底是要解决什么问题(我没做过小程序开发)。 开始我以为是为了去掉一些对小程序没用东西(比如去掉 polling),让打包出来的代码更小。但是我试着打包下,发现打包出来的代码比[自己打包的代码](还大,所以我有点糊涂了。