## mpv version and platform On Windows 11 21H2 22000.282 ``` mpv 0.33.0 Copyright © 2000-2020 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects built on Sun Dec 6 10:03:04 +08 2020 FFmpeg library versions: libavutil...
```javascript const result = await kuroshiro.convert("ユニ・チャーム、シリーズ最軽量の「超快適マスク SMART COLOR」", { to: "hiragana" }); ``` Code above throws an error complaining about converting undefined to hiragana, with mecab ipadic(-neologd): ``` /home/user/mecab/node_modules/kuroshiro/lib/util.js:7 function...
Support multiple commands in a single telegram message, one command per line. Backstory: getting tried of organizing bookmarks with spamming `/bm` (and the mixed chat layout for future reference).