
Results 11 issues of qinxianyuzi

Hi, thank you for your meaningful job. I change the model in benchmark.py and set batch size 64. device = "cuda" # model = nn.Sequential(*[nn.Linear(128, 128) for i in range(100)]).to(device)...

您好,我想要您的超高精度模型,谢谢。我的邮箱是[email protected]

你好,这是很棒的工作。 我删除残差连接后,速度没有发生变化(甚至稍微慢些,但网络输出值是相同的),请问能分享一下测试代码吗?谢谢!

After finished training. How can I use LargeMargin_Softmax_Loss in the deploy.prototxt? thank you!

Hello, thanks for helping: I try to use wuffs to open png files within a c++ project. I use vs2017 to compile this code, but PNG decoding is slower than...


Then I ran the following commands: bash mnext_efficient_s.sh 1 ValueError: model_name should be one of: efficientnet_b0, efficientnet_b1, efficientnet_b2, efficientnet_b3, efficientnet_b4, efficientnet_b5, efficientnet_b6, efficientnet_b7, i2rnet_b0, i2rnet_b1, i2rnet_b2, i2rnet_b3, i2rnet_b4, i2rnet_b5, i2rnet_b6,...

@zuoqing1988 您好,我发现您代码中对齐仿射CropImage时用5个关键点的,请问能告知106关键点的对应的关键点是多少?谢谢

Thanks for your help. How to config the exploration in training codes. ![2023-03-09_20-36](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/31474602/224025077-0636996f-c75f-4b1d-a62e-2245fc6ebd0a.png)
