Qingshui Zheng
Qingshui Zheng
## Telega Setup *OS*: macOS 11.7.3 *Emacs*: GNU Emacs 30.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-apple-darwin20.6.0, NS appkit-2202.70 Version 11.7.3 (Build 20G1116)) *Features*: svg webp ffmpeg *Telega*: telega v0.8.140 (TDLib v1.8.14-66234ae) (telega-server v0.8.2)...
Hello @zevlg , Discussed in emacs_telega channel: https://t.me/emacs_telega/42951 The issue is due to API changes TDLib. Thanks! Zheng
Hi @zevlg , This is discussed in: https://t.me/emacs_telega/43440 > Is it possible to make reveal orignial msg when press RET > Could made it like spoiler? Thanks! Zheng
Hello @zevlg , This has been discussed in telega.el channel: https://t.me/emacs_telega/42785 With this snippet to get a `telega-view-folders` view, but with `compat` inserter, but the new msg keeps coming in....
https://github.com/karthink/elfeed-tube/blob/18d89f19203423b9e2df59a556c1240746903d8f/elfeed-tube.el#L682-L694 Hi @karthink , it is a great package to have! Could we have an option to enable one caption per line? I find it much more readdable (for me)...
I put it here as a reminder. 😄 The command is for undoing the most recent (word/buffer) mark.
Not sure how you usually use this package. I usually go to the target buffer, and "M-x dictionary-overlay-render-buffer RET", and wait for magic to happen. There's a hiccup for this...