Qingquan Li

Results 164 issues of Qingquan Li

> 在线获取你的设备屏幕尺寸:https://www.mydevice.io > 比较各种设备的屏幕尺寸:https://www.mydevice.io/#compare-devices # 一、屏幕尺寸 例如:iPhone 6 为 4.7 英寸,这个 4.7 英寸指的是屏幕对角线长度。 注意:英寸为长度单位,并不是面积单位。 1英寸(inch)=2.54厘米(cm) 机型 |屏幕尺寸 |分辨率大小 |PPI ----------------------|--------------|--------------------------|--------- iPhone6、6S、7、8 |4.7英寸 |750px * 1334px |326ppi 小米4 |5英寸 |1920px *...


# 1. What's Constructors > Concept: A constructor is a member function that is automatically called when a class object is created. A constructor is a member function that has...


# The Linear Search The linear search is a very simple algorithm. Also known as the sequential search algorithm, it uses a **loop** to sequentially step through an array, **starting...


> Concept: In C++, a C-string is a sequence of characters stored in consecutive memory locations, terminated by a null character. # 1. String Objects and C-Strings String is a...


> Concept: Abstract data types (ADTs) are data types created by the programmer. ADTs have their own range (or domain) of data and their own sets of operations that may...


**Contents:** 1. Abstract Data Types 2. Structures 3. Accessing Structure Members 4. Initializing a Structure 5. Arrays of Structures 6. Structures as Function Arguments 6.1 Constant Reference Parameters 7. Pointers...


> Concept: Array names can be used as constant pointers, and pointers can be used as array names. An arry name, wihout brackets and a subscript, actually represents the **starting**...


Reference: Book: *Starting Out with C++ from Control Structures to Objects, byTony Gaddis, ninth edition* **Contents:** 1. Getting the Address of a Variable 2. Pointer Variables 2.1 Reference Variables vs...


### Example: ```c++ #include using namespace std; class Rectangle { private: double length; double width; public: // Constructor will be created automatically, but nothing inside // Overload // Rectangle() {...


> Concept: Variable may be created and destroyed while a program is running. To dynamically allocate memory means that a program, while running, asks the computer to set aside a...
