
Results 5 issues of qingbozhang

When I using [ODPS](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/280394.html) datasource in latest (branch dev-0.3) Exception thrown. the reason is `druid wall filter not support some database` so I do these : 1. add ODPS to...

外部表使用PARQUET格式 SQL里这样指定 stored as PARQUET 但是在SDK里只能传 storedBy,会被解析为 STORED BY

docker alpine:3.10.1 环境运行报错,怎解 ```text SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x47d801 m=4 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.futex(0xc000100150, 0x80, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc000100000, 0x7f5217a3b7e0, 0x7f5217a3b7f0, 0x4153df, ...) /usr/local/go/src/runtime/sys_linux_amd64.s:579 +0x21 fp=0x7f5217a3b778 sp=0x7f5217a3b770 pc=0x47d801 runtime.futexsleep(0xc000100150, 0x0,...


- 修复获取文件长度时候全量读取的问题 - 优化压缩时候全量读取的问题,节约内存 略微损失压缩率 ![image](https://github.com/shimohq/awos/assets/14026937/7b389d1c-e040-4e19-8bbf-74d5914941bf)

When the `tryImplementation` method is called concurrently, the value of `logConstructor` may be overwritten. So I'm going to use DCL to solve this problem.

waiting for feedback