
Results 6 issues of 小淳

resolveElectron似乎在plugins中删掉也是可以正常调试和打包的。 想请教一下这个函数的意图和作用。 最近在学习electron相关技术,该项目让我受益匪浅,感谢作者


``` // vite.config.ts import { createStyleImportPlugin, VxeTableResolve } from 'vite-plugin-style-import' export default defineConfig({ plugins: [ ... createStyleImportPlugin({ resolves:[VxeTableResolve()], }), ], }) ``` 输出如下 ``` failed to load config from */vite.config.ts...

[[English Template / 英文模板](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/master/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md)] ### 🤔 这个变动的性质是? - [ ] 新特性提交 - [ ] 日常 bug 修复 - [ ] 站点、文档改进 - [ ] 演示代码改进 - [x] 组件样式/交互改进 - [...

I use `window.renderReactPlayer` to create a new video player, and i remove the `` but the previous stream is still fetching. How can i stop it?

I tried the code for `joysticktest.go` and modified the `jsid`, both 0 and 1 cannot read the input of the game controller. system: win11 gamepad: xbox ![image](https://github.com/0xcafed00d/joystick/assets/43806319/9f0b37cc-090f-4aad-97fb-bc22b6f0c4ec)