David Liu
David Liu
@nick-pww I just noticed your config. The thread that DiscoveryClient uses to refresh local instanceInfo (and hence datacenterInfo) is only started if registerWithEureka is true (it tries to save the...
@spencergibb at Netflix we use the [CloudInstanceConfig](https://github.com/Netflix/eureka/blob/master/eureka-client/src/main/java/com/netflix/appinfo/CloudInstanceConfig.java#L154) that has the ability to refresh the underlying AmazonInfo. Does the spring cloud configs do similar?
Let me see what I can do on that.
Hi @raj40 curator has moved to Apache. Please take a look at this page to see if it answers your questions http://curator.apache.org/exhibitor.html. Thanks.
@gabrielhartmann I am able to be redirected to https://github.com/apache/curator/tree/master/curator-examples/src/main/java from the examples link. Can you try again?
Ah I see you mean only the link from ToC.
@dulimitta by default eureka client queries the [EC2 metadata endpoint](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/ECS_GetStarted.html) for system information. I have not used Fargate yet, but I suspect perhaps this endpoint is not available within Fargate....