https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/54592017/165930087-b90366c1-5789-48f5-b6dc-2725258d6a0a.mp4 I also met this issue, and I found the utterance in the show and cut the video by myself, u can check if it gonna work bro.
您好,请问您这边复现出 retireval 模块了吗?
> > 您好,从代码看好像不能同时设定emotion_prediction='True' 和speaker_task='True',实际使用时也会报错找不到data目录。 > > 看论文中“In the first stage of joint training, we use the speaker identification task for LLM看论文中“在联合训练的第一阶段,我们使用LLM的说话人识别任务 In the second stage, we fine-tune LLM using both...