David Dunn
David Dunn
Any progress on this? With pypcd not being actively developed and not working in python3, and open3d not supporting scalar fields, I was hoping pyntcloud would be the solution, but...
I just ran into this as well. I have MSVS 12 and found vcvarsall.bat. I'm assuming I need to add that to the path? Edit: Adding the VC directory of...
I did that - it runs just fine. I keep getting the error though. So this is a Cython problem?
Cool thanks. I'll update with anything I find.
Ok I got it all working (except registering pyfly2 for import anywhere in python...do I need to copy something to site-packages???). To start I already had MSVS 8, 10,11, and...
Maybe the code could be modified to include some unknown point field names that default to double? IDK, just spit balling.