Quentin Denis

Results 7 comments of Quentin Denis

I do have a sample code, the minimal i could do : ``` import cartopy.crs as ccrs import cartopy.feature as cfeature import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from adjustText import adjust_text from...

Here are the versions i'm using: ``` Cartopy: 0.18.0 matplotlib: 3.3.1 adjustText: 0.7.3 Shapely: 1.7.1 ```

Updated the version from github and i got an error, even using the example available here : https://adjusttext.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Examples.html Here's what i got: ~~~ > pip uninstall adjustText ... > pip...

I get the same result, but you can see here it doesn't avoid the line (at Port_5, 6, 7 and 8), even if told to avoid it : `adjust_text(texts, l[0],...

Oh, okay. In my first picture (world tour based, where the texts were far apart), the line is a succession of point (which give the curves). So maybe, because there...

I did some modification on the code i gave, on the part at the end where i put my line in an array, to put intermediates point in : ```for...

After some modifications, i did another test and worked pretty well ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57484994/94143646-6a36f400-fe70-11ea-95a7-27e22b1adf69.png) But it's still not satisfying enough, even after using the parameters like `force_point` and i'm kind of stuck...