
Results 8 issues of 马海强

My nginx conf ``` server { listen 60002; server_name localhost; location / { alias /opt/blog/public/blog/; error_page 404 = /404.html; try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html; } } ``` When I open browser,...

likely invalid

聊天记录中的图片查看器优化: 1. 目前是在聊天窗口上的弹出层,大小依赖聊天窗口的大小,如果能改成独立窗口使用上接近微信的这种交互,会比较符合大众的操作习惯。 2. 图片查看器中图片的旋转功能是个常见的需求。 3. 放大缩小目前只能放大或者缩小一次。 以上描述是增强IM的,非bug,希望能被调整。


Hello, How to chage the [default rule](http://cryogenweb.org/docs/customizing-the-index.html#the-single-post-option) of order by date. I want to display one post blog on the index of my site and fixed, not the latest blog...

Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://playrtmp.rrs.com/live_broadcast/stream1.m3u8' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. index.js:2177 VIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:2 MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK) HLS playlist...

我的环境里发生了这种错误,请问下是什么原因呢? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12232338/52947643-45d08700-33b2-11e9-8ddb-6466897ceb64.png)

I learned that jitsi has added the whiteboard function, but after using the react-sdk 1.3.0 version on my app, there is still no whiteboard button on the web side, what...

### version WinSW v3.0.0-alpha.11 ### xml ``` batch-server Batch Batch C:\CTBatch\batch-server\backend C:\CTBatch\batch-server\backend\jdk-11.0.22\bin\javaw.exe -jar -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dconf=config.edn .\clj-backend.jar 2>1 & log 1024 yyyyMMdd 00:00:00 ``` I used Runtime.getRuntime in my program to...